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Francis Douglas Memorial College




Francis Douglas Memorial College welcomes the opportunity to have a number of international students amongst its student body at all levels, either as boarders or day students in homestay accommodation. Every effort will be made to ensure that overseas students become part of the School community. We believe in the importance of traditional values such as honesty, respect, care and understanding.

We believe the school will be enhanced by having international students and the qualities they will bring to our school. We provide a safe and secure environment where all cultures are valued and where students are able to concentrate on their learning and develop their own individual talents.
The benefits for local students will mean that they will become more aware that New Zealand is a multi-cultural society and to embrace the opportunity to learn about and interact with other cultures.
For international students, we would hope that they achieve academically within the New Zealand education system, to enjoy the culture and lifestyle of New Zealand and to participate in school life as fully possible. We will also offer the opportunity for International students to develop the ability and confidence to communicate competently in English and in doing so, to develop personally and to return home enriched intellectually, socially and culturally. 

More about Francis Douglas Memorial College

Mission statement:

Francis Douglas Memorial College exists to educate students for life. It is a place where people share the Good News of Jesus Christ within a Catholic environment and in keeping with the courageous spirit of Father Francis Douglas and the Lasallian tradition.

Core values:

Faith in the Presence of God: We value the living presence of God in our world.

Inclusive community: We value a united community where diversity is respected, where no one is left out and everyone is accepted so each person can grow.

Respect for All Persons: We value the dignity, worth and gifts of each person.

Quality Education: We value an education that prepares students for life.

Concern for the Poor and Social Justice: We value a sensitivity and response to people who suffer from the effects of poverty and injustice.


Contact details


Francis Douglas Memorial College
New Plymouth
201 Tukapa Street
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Phone number

+64 06 753 6149
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