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KingsWay School




Our School

KingsWay is a state-integrated, coeducational, composite school with a Christian character. Students from Years 1 – 13 attend this school. They can start school at 5 years old and finish at the age of 18 years. There are three groups of year levels; Primary Years 1 – 6, Middle School Years 7 – 9 and Senior School Years 10 – 13. School buses service the school from as far as 50 kilometres away.

Biblical View

All subjects are taught from a Biblical perspective. All teachers and staff are committed Christians who create a supportive, caring, nurturing environment. There is strong pastoral support for our students. We ensure students take responsibility for their learning and behaviour and we believe quality learning comes from a close partnership between home, home stay and school. The well qualified staff encourage students to work towards achieving their potential in all areas.

Supportive Environment

New students adapt quickly and are assimilated easily into the school community, with new friends and their delegated support student or buddy taking care of them. The kindness of students and teachers ensures new students feel comfortable in their new school.


Throughout the school, students have many opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Responsibilities are given to students from a young age. Every year a number of students are appointed into formal leadership roles. Year 13 students are appointed to Arts Council, Sports Council, Peer Support, House Leaders and Prefect teams. KingsWay hosts the bi-annual Equip Conference where students from all over New Zealand come to KingsWay School to learn how to grow and develop as leaders in their school and their community.

Mission Outreach

Students reach out to others through mission ventures both locally and internationally. These opportunities enable students to grow in their own Christian walk and increase their sensitivity and understanding of the needs of others. Mission outreach enables students to serve others in a wide range of contexts. Students have the opportunity to participate in trips to Vanuatu, Thailand or Tanzania to serve and support Christian organisations in these countries. Service Days provide students with a range of activities through which they can assist others in the community.

More about KingsWay School

Thank you for your interest in our school. I look forward to welcoming international students from all over the world who are motivated to experience New Zealand education and who will respond to the challenge of hard work and to involvement and participation in academic, sporting and cultural activities.

KingsWay School is a Christian, co-educational school with proud traditions. Our school has a fine record of providing opportunities for all students who are determined to succeed and who wish to achieve their full potential.

We aim to assist our students to take full responsibility for their learning and behaviour and we know that quality learning comes from a close partnership between home and school.

We have a well qualified caring staff who encourage all students:

  • To aim for excellence
  • To work towards achieving their God-given potential in all areas
  • To have enquiring minds, a sense of discipline, co-operation and responsibility.
  • To develop an appreciation of their cultural background, a capacity for leadership and concern and respect for others.
  • To demonstrate high standards of honesty, integrity, courtesy, tolerance and loyalty.
  • To prepare for future tertiary and vocational opportunities and to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their chosen career.

I look forward to meeting those students who have chosen New Zealand as an educational destination and I hope that the association with KingsWay School will be challenging and rewarding throughout their stay in our country.


Contact details


KingsWay School
100 Jelas Road
View on Google Maps

Phone number

+64 9 200 1931
View school website

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