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Secondary School

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Lynfield College




Lynfield College is committed to providing a quality experience for International Students

Our International Student Programme began in the 1980s. Its success has been due to the quality academic courses, excellent support systems and the availability of a wide range of opportunities in and out of school. International students from all over the world choose to study at Lynfield College, the majority for the long term, aiming to complete their high school education in New Zealand.

The academic NCEA programmes and qualifications provide students with a pathway to tertiary study both in NZ and overseas. The wide choice and flexibility of subjects offered enable students to select programmes suiting their ability, interest and future plans.

Lynfield College provides a broad range of opportunities and experiences:

  • A wide subject choice set within a flexible course structure
  • Strong academic programmes leading to internationally recognised university entrance qualifications
  • The opportunity to develop English language skills prior to entering mainstream classes in the ESOL foundation / high school preparation class
  • A welcoming and friendly multi-cultural experience
  • Opportunities to join sports teams, arts and cultural clubs
  • Excellent pastoral care and support both in and out of school
  • To live with a caring Kiwi host family in a pleasant residential suburb surrounded by a supportive community, good recreational facilities and convenient access to both city and airport
  • The chance to live in New Zealand’s largest city and experience its beaches, shopping malls, golf courses, outdoor activities and mild climate.

More about Lynfield College

Lynfield College has a proud tradition of serving the central-west Auckland area for 60 years. In that time it has developed a reputation as a centre of academic excellence in a safe, caring, positive environment. Students are encouraged to take full part in the busy life of the college, and participate in the many and varied sporting, arts, cultural, and leadership opportunities.

With over 1,800 students we are able to offer an extremely broad curriculum that meets the needs of most of our students. For this reason the overwhelming majority of our Year 9 intake complete five years of secondary education and leave well-equipped for the opportunities and challenges of tertiary study, trades training and employment. Our careers and academic staff work with  students to ensure they are aware of their options and future pathways and so make sound decisions prior to leaving Lynfield College.

Lynfield College also offers a wide variety of extra support for students. Our ESOL programme caters for the needs of our second language students. Students with learning difficulties have the advice and guidance offered by the Learning Support unit to help them with their learning.


Contact details


Lynfield College
191 White Swan Road
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Phone number

+64 9 627 0604
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