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Nga Tawa Diocesan School




Nga Tawa Diocesan School for Girls is a special character school built on the traditional life values of respect, integrity and courage.

We are a small school, with a role of 220 girls, but we’re a tightly knit community in every sense. One of the great benefits of our size is that we provide a truly supportive school environment where every girl is known and valued as an individual, where strengths can be identified, effort encouraged and potential developed.

Academically, our girls are doing fantastically well. For the second year running they achieved a 100% pass rate across all NCEA Levels in 2017. Their Level 1 and Level 3 results were the highest they have been in more than five years and 45.5 per cent of students at NCEA Level 1 attained excellence endorsed. That is a remarkable result and a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our students, their families and our tireless teaching staff. The number of Year 13s going on to tertiary education is now consistently above 90% (97.2% in 2017). There is no academic entrance test for enrolling at Nga Tawa. These results emphasise the nurturing and encouraging environment that exists at Nga Tawa and the success of the personal development programmes we put in place.

Technology keeps us connected in so many ways, but our tranquil rural location provides a welcome buffer from many of the added pressures and distractions felt by some our larger city counterparts. At Nga Tawa, we strive to create an environment where our girls can live their childhoods and be themselves.

More about Nga Tawa Diocesan School

Nga Tawa Diocesan School was founded in 1891 on a principle of empowering girls to achieve extraordinary outcomes in their lives beyond school.

The teenage years are a vital time in girls' lives because this is when their unique identities begin to emerge. As an all-girls schools, Nga Tawa offers a culture and environment in which girls can be girls, grow up a their own pace, and have the freedom to be who they want to be.


Contact details


Nga Tawa Diocesan School
164 Calico Line
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Phone number

+64 06 327 6429
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