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Onehunga High School




We are a state co-educational school situated in central Auckland on the shores of the Manukau Harbour. We are less than 15 minutes to the Central Business District. Our school has been accepting international students for over 20 years and we offer a full range of subjects, support, homestay and guidance with a staff of five in the international department.

Our unique Business School and English Language School for adults are designed to complement the programmes on offer for students in the High School. We welcome students from 14 different countries and we see them as a vital part of the school. International students provide an extra dimension in terms of language, culture and personality. Our facilities, programmes and teachers are innovative and talented.

We offer a full range of NCEA subjects including a broad range of special-interest options.  Most of our students continue their education at tertiary level.  We promote enhanced and accelerated learning, an exciting environment and experiential teaching and learning.  We are experienced in providing for international students and our pastoral and academic care is outstanding.  Onehunga High school has been promoted in North and South magazine as one of the top state schools in New Zealand.  Please contact us for further assistance.

We are proud of our:

  • Students, most of whom continue their education at a tertiary level
  • International students, most of whom continue their education at university
  • Teachers; dedicated, highly skilled and with a passion for and commitment to our students
  • Outstanding facilities
  • Business School, which was the first of its kind in New Zealand
  • Health Science Academy
  • Leading-edge technology


Drama suite, dance studio, music suite, art & design rooms, computer labs, technical workshops, catering and hospitality facilities, science laboratories, Library, cafeteria, cricket oval, football field, hockey turf, tennis courts, gymnasium and fitness room.

Curriculum and Subject Highlights

At Onehunga High School we are committed to the delivery of quality education. We are an achievement-orientated school which sets and maintains high academic standards. The usual curriculum subjects are offered and complemented with a wide range of other special interest subjects. Our emphasis is on providing a challenging curriculum that is well taught by professional staff. 

The school has developed a very effective and diverse curriculum to promote and support student learning

Multi-level study is an important component of the school curriculum. Senior students may with approval from Heads of Department, combine NCEA Level One, Two and Three subjects.

International Student Support

Our school has accepted international students for many years and offers a full range of services to students from overseas. These include an International Student Department providing extra support for students, carefully selected homestay accommodation and an excellent English Language Department, which caters for the needs of international students. Onehunga High School is a multi-cultural school and international students feel happy and at home in this environment.

More about Onehunga High School

Quote from an International Student:

"Onehunga High School is great. The students and teachers here are very friendly, so I feel very welcomed. My friends and teachers are always here to help me if I don’t understand something. They can explain it to me by speaking very clearly.

My classes are a lot of fun because I enjoy the subjects that I am taking. Studying in New Zealand is so much fun because it is different from Vietnam. In New Zealand, students can choose many subjects to study like Art, Photography, Music, Business and more.

My homestay family is also very kind to me. They speak English very clearly and slowly to make sure that I understand. Since I have stayed with them, my English has improved a lot because I have spoken English at home and at school. I really like my homestay family because they make me feel like part of the family. They have taken me to Hamilton, Queenstown and other beautiful places in New Zealand. I have made many wonderful memories with them.  We will always stay in touch as they are now my New Zealand family.

New Zealand is a lovely country and I am very glad that I came here to study. New Zealand has many opportunities. I can study the subjects that I really like.  I can improve my English.  I can make many new friends and it is safe and welcoming."


Contact details


Onehunga High School
24 Pleasant Street
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Phone number

+64 09 636 6006
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