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Trident High School


Bay of Plenty


At Trident we have developed strong traditions of excellence and the promotion of personal best and achievement in the academic, sporting and cultural fields, supported by an outstanding pastoral care structure.
Our goal is to provide our students with a wide range of opportunities, which will encourage and enable each individual to reach his or her full potential. We focus on the empowerment of our community through the actions of being fully accountable for what we do.
We are committed to our core values of Quality Work and Respect for Others, that draw on the strength and courage of our motto – Kia Manawa nui – Be courageous. These core values form the basis for all that we do at Trident and are the guiding principles for our day-to-day actions and interactions.

Our goals are based on four foundation motivators – we have Purpose at school, to achieve our best. This clarifies our Performance which we carry out with Passion and Pride.  We aspire to the fulfilment of these goals in all that we do.
In our values-based culture we have high expectations of quality work. We focus on high standards and achievement, quality participation in class and the punctual and accurate completion of work.

Achieving to the best our ability is a single and powerful expectation. Built into the ethos of our school are the concepts of reliability, punctuality, personal presentation, positive relationships, leadership and responsibility. These are the hallmarks of a focussed and vibrant school environment. Our students are encouraged to fulfil the value of respect – for themselves, for others and for their environment and to be the best that they can be.

To support these aspirations, we have a highly qualified and enthusiastic staff who provide exciting, challenging and innovative learning opportunities. Our teachers are life-long learners and they share their commitment to learning in all that they do. We are looking to future focussed knowledge building that will allow our students to engage with the world as creative, competent, confident and capable young people.

Our school success relies on an interactive partnership within our community – school, parent and student. We encourage parents and care-givers to be part of the learning process, and in doing so, support their teenager’s growth and personal achievement. We have strong communication links with our community. We are a courageous, respectful community, committed to excellence in all that we do.
Our “open-door” approach welcomes you, the parent, to be an active part of our learning environment.

More about Trident High School

International students make up a maximum of 2% of the school's roll. There are often students from Switzerland, Germany, Brazil, USA, Canada, Australia, Thailand, Korea, China and Japan in the school.

International programmes exist in the school involving students attending from a wide variety of countries, within Europe, North and South America and Asia. We have links with many recognised exchange programmes as well as with organisations in Japan.

The school has a history of both hosting and sending exchange students. A trip to Japan occurs every two years; the last trip was in October 2018. An Arts and Culture trip to Europe – Greece, Italy, France and Spain occurred in 2013 and 2016. 

English as a second language is provided when required in preparation for internationally recognised examinations such as IELTS.


Contact details


Trident High School
Arawa Road
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Phone number

+64 7 308 8159
View school website

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