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Te Kupenga - Catholic Theological College
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Bachelor of Divinity

This course is available

Online, On-Campus

Level of Study

Bachelor's Degree


360 credit hours

Next start date



A full-time student does 120 credits in a year. That is 60 credit points each semester.

  • 4 papers x 15 credits = 60 credits in a semester. There are also 7.5 credit papers that run in half a semester - 2 x 7.5 = 15
  • There are two semesters in a year 60 + 60 = 120 credit points.

Distance students will take longer to complete the degree as there are limits to the number of papers students can take each semester. This ensures a reasonable workload.

  • Distance students can study 1 or 2 papers per semester. (Up to 30 credits)

What is the recommended programme?

The Bachelor of Divinity is a structured programme of study which has compulsory papers, and specific rules guiding the selection of papers to fulfil the requirements. Further information can be found in the BDiv Planning Guide.

  • There are (in NZQA credits) at least 360 credits in the whole programme. An individual paper is either 15 credits or 7.5 credits. (24 x 15 = 360)
  • You can major in either Dogmatic Theology or Sacred Scripture (which involves passing 90 NZQA credits worth of papers in that subject areas. (6 x 15 = 90)
  • In the other one of that pair (Sacred Scripture or Dogmatic Theology) you need 60 credits worth of papers (4 x 15 = 60)
  • You must have 30 credits in Philosophy (2 x 15 = 30)
  • You must have 30 credits in Pastoral Studies and Practice (2 x 15 = 30)
  • You must have 15 credits in Moral Theology
  • You must have 15 credits in Church History and Patrology
  • Your stage one papers – x1xxx – should not add up to more than 180 credits (12 x 15 = 180)
  • You must have at least 90 credits at stage three – x3xxx – (6 x 15 = 90)
  • Not more than 150 credits should be from the same area of study

What papers should I start with?

It is expected that students start off their Bachelor of Divinity award with the stage 1 papers, which are normally the prerequisites for the stage two and stage three level papers. Biblical Studies and Philosophy are recommended before starting Dogmatic Theology

The following stage one papers are a good place to start.

  • W1010 Ancient and Early Medieval Philosophy
  • B1000 Introduction to the Old Testament and Pentateuch

Entry criteria

To Satisfy Programme Entry Requirements:

  • Proof of University Entrance, or Official Record of your Qualification, or special admission from the Dean (e.g. mature student 21+).
  • IELTS results (as proof of language proficiency)
    • If English, Maori or New Zealand Sign Language is not your first language you will need to supply test results from IELTS (academic). Minimum requirement of 6.5 in IELTS with at least 6.0 in each band.

Note: The College only accepts international students sponsored by a diocese or religious congregation

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