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Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology logo

Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education

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Level of Study

Bachelor's Degree


This teaching degree prepares you to work as a trained teacher in early childhood education. Once you graduate, you’ll be able to apply for your teacher registration. And our graduates are in demand! Enthusiastic, motivated students often get job offers following their placements.

During your study you'll learn the principles of the national early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki. You'll deepen your understanding of child development and cultural diversity.

Bi-culturalism is embedded into the course. You'll enhance your knowledge of te ao Māori (Māori world view) and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge).

As part of the course you spend time working at an early childhood centre – we find the placements for you! With supervision from qualified teachers you'll develop your confidence in children’s learning.

Year 1

  • Ngā Ritenga Tahi: Professional Practice 1
  • Te Whakatakinga Marautanga: Introduction to Curriculum
  • Te Aronga Rangahau: Introduction to Research
  • Ngā Kōhungahunga: Infants and Toddlers
  • Ngā Ritenga Rua: Professional Practice 2
  • Ngā Rereketanga-Ahurea: Diversity
  • Te Reo me ōna Piringa: Language and Literacy
  • Te Puawai

Year 2

  • Te Horopaki Akoranga Kohungahunga: The Context of Early Childhood Education
  • Ngā Ritenga Toru: Professional Practice 3
  • Putaiao/Hangarau: Science and Technology
  • Ngā Mahi Toi: The Arts
  • Te Takoto o te Hāpori Whānui: Outdoor and Community Environments
  • Te Kawa o te Marae
  • Te Puawai 2

Year 3

  • Te Kaihautu Mātanga hei Kairangahau: The Professional Practitioner as a Researcher
  • Ngā Ritenga Whakaako: Professional Practice 4
  • Aromatawai: Assessment and Planning
  • Pangarau: Mathematics
  • Te Ture Pāpori-Kotahitanga: Social Justice and Inclusion
  • Rangahau 2: Practice Based Research
  • Te Puawai 3

Upon successfully completing the requirements you'll receive the award of:

  • Bachelor of Early Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education: Te Tohu Paetahi Whakaako Kōhungahunga

Additional qualifications included:

  • Diploma in Early Childhood Education

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