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Otago Polytechnic
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Master of Midwifery

This course is available


Level of Study

Master's Degree


2 years

Next start date



Already practising as a registered midwife but want to develop advanced skills through independent research and scholarship?

This internationally-recognised programme has a strong research focus and builds on the knowledge and skills gained during the Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery through the provision of more demanding and intensive study. There are two options for completing this programme. You can complete a 120 credit midwifery thesis or in some instances a 60 credit midwifery dissertation. The thesis option enables you to complete a piece of original research based on higher order skills of analysis and critical evaluation. Both pathways also require the completion of two compulsory pre-requisite courses: Knowledge and Theory in Midwifery, and Research Methods in Midwifery.

During this programme, you will benefit from the support and advice from experienced lecturers and make use of our extensive networks to increase your career prospects. Online learning resources may include PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, word documents, interactive web pages and links to relevant electronic documents or websites. You are required to attend two Thesis Schools annually; these are online so you can attend from wherever you are studying. The Thesis Schools are an opportunity for you to present your progress to lecturers and your peers in the programme, to seek feedback and contribute to the discussions about the work of others, a fertile ground for great ideas!

Skills required

  • A passion for women's health.
  • The ability to work independently and with others.
  • The ability to respond to changing circumstances.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
  • The ability to work well under pressure.
  • The ability to be accountable.

Further study options

Opportunities for further research and enrolment in PhD programmes are available elsewhere in New Zealand and overseas

Programme specific risks

When studying courses offered online or using other electronic media, you may be at risk of Occupational Overuse Syndrome or other injuries brought about by long periods of computer use.

Your workload

Each course requires working through online resources and participating in online discussions. There will be additional reading and preparation of assessments. Individual pathways and hours will vary but across each semester it is reasonable to plan approximately ten hours per week, per course.

Entry criteria

  • You must be a registered midwife and hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery with a B grade average, OR equivalent.
  • Consideration for direct entry into the 180-credit Master's programme will require presentation of a portfolio which demonstrates appropriate academic and personal skills. These include:
  • Completion of 60 credits of postgraduate study (or equivalent)
  • Eligibility for cross-crediting of postgraduate level courses completed elsewhere
  • Portfolio of publications
  • Presentation of a comprehensive and well-structured research proposal
  • Completed research projects or ongoing involvement in collaborative research projects which demonstrate understanding and facility with research processes
  • Midwifery experience which could include an extensive practice history including project work undertaken during self- or institutional employment.

International students will be individually assessed to ensure they meet the entry requirements.

New Zealand registered midwives for whom English is a second language are required by the Midwifery Council of New Zealand to have an IELTS score of 7.5.
If English is not your first language and you are not registered in New Zealand, you must demonstrate an Overall Academic IELTS 6.5 (achieved in one test completed in the last two years)

Speaking band 7.0
Listening band 7.0
No individual band less than 6.0, OR

OET: Minimum of Grade C+ or 300 in all sub tests

TOEFL Internet-based test (iBT): Score of 79 (with a writing score of 21)

Cambridge English Qualifications: C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency with a score of 176. No less than 169 in each skill;

PTE (Academic) score of 58 with no band score lower than 50

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