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University of Otago
University of Otago logo

Diane Campbell-Hunt Memorial Award


NZ$1,000/total value

Number of awards


Apply for scholarship

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must:

  • Be enrolled and confirmed in a PhD programme in any Department or School at the University of Otago
  • Have had accepted a peer-reviewed academic paper (conference or journal) that contributes to New Zealand conservation (as defined above), and in which they are the lead author.
  • Not have previously been awarded the award.


Each award must be taken up in the year in which it is made.

How to apply?

Applications for the award must:

  • Be accompanied by a copy of the paper for which the award will be made
  • Be accompanied by the prescribed application form, including a report from the applicant’s supervisor or Head of Department on the eligibility of the applicant (including the applicant’s contribution to the paper being submitted), and a statement from the applicant that explains (in 500 words or less) the paper’s contribution to New Zealand conservation.
  • Be accompanied by a plan for use of the award that will further their research, for example support for conference leave, a publication subsidy, operating costs for further research.
  • Be submitted to the Doctoral and Scholarships Office no later than 30 June.

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